Feature articles on the corporate ecosystem

In-depth articles that delve into contemporary trendsand challenges shaping the corporate world, including its integration with the social economy.

How relevant are term limits

It can be difficult for leaders to let go. Having term limits can help ensure the necessary leadership renewal and ease the transition process.

Finding true north on the corporate moral compass

Most boards will say they have a corporate moral compass, whether they consult it or not. When they do, they may well find that their true north – the organisation’s (moral) purpose – has shifted.

The fusion of the market and social economies

The business and social sectors are coming together in several ways. Through the cross-adoption of practices and cross-pollination of values, business is moving from the mantra of financially “doing well” to “doing good and well”, while the social sector is moving from simply just “doing good” to “doing good well”.

More and better data needed to elevate social sector

The world has become much more data-driven, but the social sector still lags considerably behind theprivate and public sectors when it comes to data.
