“The World That Changes The World”
Book Review by Dr KK Tse, Hong Kong Social Entrepreneurship Forum
14 January 2011
This new book is a must-read for 2011. But who should read it? In the context of Hong Kong, I think the following groups would benefit from it. In fact, ‘benefit’ would be an understatement. I have the feeling that one could be greatly influenced by the contents of the book and would rethink how one could make his/her contribution to changing the world for the better.
The groups of people I have in mind include:
- Practising and aspiring social entrepreneurs
- Leaders of social enterprises struggling to make a breakthrough
- Capacity builders who are looking for leverages to make a difference
- Social investors who are looking for projects to support
- Government officials who take social entrepreneurship seriously
- Businesspersons and professionals who want to make a contribution in the social sector