Doing Good Great
Thirteen Asian Heroes and Their Causes

Chapters for reading

Chapter 3: Caged in the City

Ho Hei Wah, Hong Kong

When he was only 18, Ho Hei Wah already had a desire to do something different with his life. The capitalistic world in Hong Kong did not interest him. Behind the city’s glamour and glitz, he saw a hidden world, one where the poor lived like caged animals in wrought iron cages and coffin cubicles.

Chapter 5: Leave No One Behind

Tony Meloto, Philippines

When Tony Meloto first started working with the poor in the slums of Metro Manila, he often wondered why millions of Filipinos lived as squatters when there was no lack of land across the Philippines.

Chapter 9: Laboring for Rights

Braema Mathi, Singapore

In glistening city-state Singapore, it would be easy to overlook the needs of migrant workers. Even as they help to power the economy, they do not have much money, identity, or voice. However, in the world according to Braema Mathi, the founder of TWC2, these workers also have rights. She has worked tirelessly to champion their rights and to uphold their dignity.

Chapter 12: Of Human Waste and Wasted Humans

Bindeshwar Pathak, India

With his aspirations to become a university lecturer, the last thing on 20-year old Bindeshwar Pathak’s mind was a career in sanitation. Yet, 30 years later, providing decent toilets and improving the plight of manual scavengers have become his steadfast calling.