Book Category WTCTW

Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery Book Launch at Thinkfest/ SIX and the City, 16 Sep 2010 Local and foreign participants at ThinkFest, organised by LCSI and SIX (Social Innovation Exchange) Drummers from AG Home / Urban Drum Crew kicked off the book launch…

“The social ecosystem”

Book Review by Dazzle Foo, The Good Paper  April 2011 The recently published book, The World That Changes The World: How philanthropy, innovation and entrepreneurship are transforming the social ecosystem, with 21 international authors and edited by Willie Cheng &…

“Books: The really big dictionary”

Book Review by George Wilks, The Good Paper  January 2011 This anthology of essays by high profile and experienced players in the social space is structured around Willie Cheng’s map of the social ecosystem, introduced in Chapter 0. This is…

“The World That Changes The World”

Book Review by Dr KK Tse, Hong Kong Social Entrepreneurship Forum 14 January 2011 This new book is a must-read for 2011. But who should read it? In the context of Hong Kong, I think the following groups would benefit from…

Reviews & News

REVIEWS Siva Sivakumar, “Book Review: The World That Changes the World”, Alliance Magazine, Mar 2011 This book is for you if you are even remotely interested in seeing a more equitable world … Once you read this opening chapter and…



Authors Authors’ profiles as of publication date (September 2010) EDITORS WILLIE CHENGChairman, Lien Centre for Social InnovationThe Social Ecosystem: Transitions within the Ecosystem of Change SHARIFAH MOHAMEDManager, Lien Centre for Social InnovationCharity Definition: Different Kinds of Kindness CHAPTER AUTHORS ROBERT…

The Phoenix Economy

Amid the economic discontinuity, a paradigm shift toward a more equitable and sustainable future is underway. Leading the charge into what could be called the Phoenix Economy are 50 identified pioneering organizations. Many are leading social purpose organizations, some are…